Louisiana maintains state laws that require dog licensing including annual rabies vaccinations as well as leash and nuisance ordinances. The owner or keeper of every dog or cat between three and four months old shall, at his expense, have such dog or cat vaccinated by a Louisiana-licensed veterinarian with rabies vaccine. Twelve months later, the animal shall be revaccinated. Thereafter, such dog or cat shall be revaccinated every 36 months by a licensed Louisiana veterinarian. The veterinarian must provide the owner the date when the dog or cat must be revaccinated.

In addition each parish or municipality that levies a license fee on dogs and cats shall issue a metallic license tag to each dog or cat owner who applies therefor and pays the dog or cat license fee imposed by the issuing parish or municipality. The license tag shall contain a license number, the name of the issuing body and the calendar year for which such tag is issued. The tag shall be fastened upon the collar worn by the dog or cat owned or kept by such person. A license certificate shall also be issued for such license fee showing the name and address of the owner, a description of the dog or cat by sex and color, the breed of the dog or cat if known, and the year and number of the license tag. A record of all such information shall be kept by the issuing authority which shall be open to the public during regular business hours.

The following organization can offer a wealth of additional information:

Louisiana SPCA

Every person in the state of Mississippi who owns, or has in his or her possession, any dog or cat of the age of three (3) months or over shall have said dog or cat inoculated (vaccinated) against rabies as provided herein with the recommended dosage of an anti-rabic virus (vaccine) approved by the state board of health, and it shall be unlawful for any person within the state of Mississippi to own or have in his or her possession within the state of Mississippi any dog or cat three (3) months of age or over which has not been inoculated (vaccinated) against rabies with the approved dosage of an approved anti-rabic virus (vaccine). It shall be the duty of every person in this state so owning or having in his or her possession a dog or cat to have said dog or cat inoculated (vaccinated) immediately after said dog or cat has reached the age of three (3) months, and it shall be said person’s further duty to have said dog or cat so inoculated (vaccinated) thereafter as required by the state board of health.

The following organization can offer a wealth of additional information:

Humane Society of Southern Mississippi

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